Hello, my name is Victoria. I’m a French student living with my parents and my sister. In my family, we have a dog (Beagle) and a European cat. I’m a non-practicing Christian but open to the way of life and beliefs of my host family. In France, I have many friends. For me, making friendships with people is very important … Read More
Hi, my name is Michaela, and I´m a 15-year-old girl from Slovakia. I am really excited about the opportunity to experience life in the U.S. I chose the U.S. because I´ve always been interested in its diverse cultures, traditions and people. I believe this experience will allow me to grow and create unforgettable memories. I can´t wait to spend time … Read More
Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home. My name is Lucas, and I am incredibly excited about the opportunity to live with you and learn about American culture. I truly appreciate this chance to experience life in a new country and be part of your family. I am eager to share my experiences with you, learn from … Read More
My name is Águeda, and I am very excited to have the opportunity to live with you during this exchange program. Thank you very much for welcoming me into your home and giving me this wonderful opportunity. Let me tell you a little about myself. I come from a close-knit, loving family, and I enjoy spending time with them, whether … Read More
Chomthap (Nobel)
Greetings from Thailand! My name is Nobel. I’m 17 years old. My family & I live in a small town in the north-east of Thailand. There are 7 members in my family which are my father, my mother, my little sister, my 3 energic husky dogs & me. They mean a lot to me. I enjoy spending time with all … Read More
Hello, I am Mia and I am 14 years old. I live in Spain, specifically in Barcelona, with my parents, my two older brothers, and my dog. My brothers also did an exchange year, and they recommend it to everyone because it helped them to become a better version of themselves and grow as a person. They always tell me … Read More
Hello future host family, thank you for taking the time to look at my application and considering hosting me. I am Flora, 15 years old and I live in Saarland state of Germany with my family. My family consists of my mom, my dad, my sisters, and our dog (Mika). I like to go shopping with them in the city … Read More
Dear future host family! I’m Tayná, I’m 15 years old and I’m from Brazil. I’m a girl who loves to have new experiences, so I’m very excited about my exchange year next year. First of all, I’d like to talk to you about my family, they are the most important thing in my life. I live alone with my mom, … Read More
My name is Louie, and I was born and raised in Denmark, and still live there today, with my mom, dad and my sister. I spend a lot of time with my family, especially on vacations and weekends. Me and my dad like working out and sometimes we play video games together. My dad has always been there when I … Read More
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