Being an exchange student will open your mind…

Hi, my name is Esther. I come from Vietnam. I am a senior in Wesleyan Christian School (WCS), Oklahoma.
One of the subjects that I have to take while attending to WCS is Bible class which is also one of big challenges that I have ever had. Coming from a non-Christian family so I had not known much about Bible and what Christians believe. Fortunately, having a chance to WCS, I have learnt so much about Christians’ life. In addition, my host family is a true Christian believer so they helped me a lot to understand Bible, think like a Christian. Attending to a Christian school is a good choice for me to finish my last year of high school because they opened my mind a lot and prepared me before going to college.
I have a lot of favorite memories during my experience. One of them is celebrating Christmas with my host family. It was one of the best times to me because Christmas is the time for family to gather together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We gave each other gifts, sang Christmas songs and had a warm dinner together. I really loved this moment because it made me less homesick and enjoyed family time with my host family. I’m so thankful for this family and people who have come to my life.
This is my second year studying in America and it has been so great from my host family, school and social life. If you want to seek something that is new and out of your daily life, do not hesitate to begin your exchange experience in another country. Spending one school year in America will give you experiences that you have never had in your life. Being an exchange student will open your mind, change your perspective of the world, develop worldwide relationships, be more independent and mature. Don’t be hesitant to start your own adventure!
Thao (Esther)
academic program student from Vietnam
living with the Byers family in Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Learn more about becoming an ICES Academic Program Student and Study in the USA