Our very first experience as a host family

We are a family of 6. We have 3 children of our own 1 boy and 2 girls ages 6,5 and 2 and 1 Foster child age 9.
I came across a post on Facebook about this program. I reached out to the coordinator here in Oregon and she sent one of the local coordinators to me and story began there.
Mariana arrived to us in August 2020. We fell in love with her the moment we met her at the airport. My children the same way. She fit right in our home and family. She adapted so quickly into our way of life.

Mariana’s goal coming to the United States was to become a cheer leader and experience the culture here. Though her time in school has cut short due to Covid-19, she was able to cheer for her high school and made new friends. Mariana is a determined young lady that goes for what she wants. Though she arrived late and was late for cheer rehearsals and try outs but she was determined to become a cheer leader and she did. She keeps good grade during this school year even being an exchange student and quarantined.

She loves children and made such a great bond with my girls. She is the big sister that my children always wanted. Mariana also learned to bake cookies and muffins during quarantine. She has also been so helpful with our children during this quarantine. She helps them with their school work and keeps the kids entertained while I’m at work. She has been a blessing in our family.

We sure are sad to have her leave us but Mariana will always have a home here in the US with us. We gained a new Brazilian family as well. We will miss our Mariana.
I cannot be more thankful for her and this program. THANK YOU SO MUCH for bringing Mariana to us. We love her so much.
Lagi Fune Polataivao
ICES host mom in Medford, Oregon
hosting Mariana from Brazil